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Online CE Provider For Recreational Therapists

Title: Online CE Provider For Recreational Therapists
URL: https://smartceushub.com/
Description: The Unlimited CEUs Membership at SMART CEUs Hub is the first of it’s kind in Recreational Therapy. It allows the busy, budget conscious Rec Therapist to get their required CE in a convenient, affordable way. Just one price paid annually grants you the ability to take all of the continuing education you want or need. As a member you have complete access to our ENTIRE courses library including any new courses that are added during your active membership. There are no additional costs to take courses, materials you that are required to purchase in addition to your membership, or costs for CEU transcripts after you take a course. Our system will keep track of all of your completion certificates for you so you can access them on demand during your 5 year recertification period. Never has there been a more convenient, more affordable, NCTRC pre-approved Recreational Therapy continuing education resource.